Here you will be able to search for specific events that are not personalized for you.
Your profile is not considered.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
This section will give you unpersonalized recommendations for actual events in your area.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
This section will show you stars. Stars are people who have many followers.
If you follow a person or a friend you get updates about his/her events.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
Here you will be able to add events to our database, so we can recommend them.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
The search is not yet implemented
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
How does it work?

You don't know how or where to spend your freetime?

Tell us all the places, leisure events & activities you love!

Get personalized recommendations for leisure events, activities and locations all over the world!

Find friends who are just like you!

Recommendations for freetime activities of all kind
freetime Check is recommender system for leisure activities and events. We offer you individual recommendations for the following topics, that suite your profile:

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Get personalized recommendations for:
1. Sims
Based on your characteristics and the things you like you get recommendations for sims (likeminded people). Use freetime Check to connect yourself to likeminded people all over the globe. Find out if there is a similarity between you and your friends by inviting them to freetime Check.
2. Locations
Know your city better! Find out in which Cafés your sims are gathering. We provide insider recommendations that you cannot find anywhere else.
You are on vacation in a foreign country or city? Use freetime Check to find out which bar you should visit in your holidays.
Do you know a great restaurant in your town? If you want to spread the joy, recommend it on freetime Check and add it to your favorites. This way you can help us to make better recommendations.
Do you know a club that has a great atmosphere? The cocktails are tasty, the sound is perfect and the guests are on the same page with you... Add it to your favorites and recommend it to your friends.
Sightseeing can be fun, if you know which places to check out. Profit from the experience of your sims and friends on freetime Check.
3. Activities (comming soon)
Have you ever been looking for a good movie for a movie-night with your friends? Now you don't have to search anymore. Tell us which movies you already like and get recommendations for movies you might like just as well.
If you want to broaden your musical horizon check out our song recommendations, that are adjusted to your music profile.
Are you looking for a good book to read, but don't want to be disappointed. We provide you with recommendations for books, that have been approved by your sims = likeminded users.
You need to register or login, before you can use freetime Check. Your registration to freetime Check is free.
Register or Login
Why should I register?
Get recommendations:
Freetime Check is a global recommender system. After you signed up, you can fill your profile with your interests and favorite activities. Based on your profile, you will receive worldwide recommendations for locations, events and freetime activities of any kind.
Make friends:
Invite your friends to freetime Check and find out if you are similar. You can also make new friends on freetime Check.
Be up to date:
Identify sims (similar people) and follow them. You will receive updates about their activities and won't miss any events that might suit you.
The search is over:
Doesn't matter if you are at home or in a foreign country or city. You don't have to search the web yourself, to find out what you can do. Freetime Check provides you with recommendations for locations and events, that are adored by similar users.
We look forward to welcoming you aboard.
Your freetime Check Team