Here you will be able to search for specific events that are not personalized for you.
Your profile is not considered.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
This section will give you unpersonalized recommendations for actual events in your area.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
This section will show you stars. Stars are people who have many followers.
If you follow a person or a friend you get updates about his/her events.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
Here you will be able to add events to our database, so we can recommend them.
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
The search is not yet implemented
Unfortunately, this section is still being developed.
Stimmt So
Cafe, Bistro Sie sitzen auf zwei Ebenen. “Gehn wir nach oben!” heißt: Sie wollen die Aussicht auf den ganzen Isartorplatz und das Isartor genießen - oder sich an den vielen Zweier- Tischen ungestört unterhalten. Im Sommer sitzen Sie auf einer Terasse mit 70 Plätzen. Sie sehen den Verkehr, aber Sie riechen Ihn nicht, weil Sie eine Grünfläche vor sich haben. Die Terasse ist bis 01:00 Uhr geöffnet. Wenn Sie München kennen, wissen Sie, daß das eher die Ausnahme ist.
No "I like" entries, yet.
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Get recommendations:
Freetime Check is a global recommender system. After you signed up, you can fill your profile with your interests and favorite activities. Based on your profile, you will receive worldwide recommendations for locations, events and freetime activities of any kind.
Make friends:
Invite your friends to freetime Check and find out if you are similar. You can also make new friends on freetime Check.
Be up to date:
Identify sims (similar people) and follow them. You will receive updates about their activities and won't miss any events that might suit you.
The search is over:
Doesn't matter if you are at home or in a foreign country or city. You don't have to search the web yourself, to find out what you can do. Freetime Check provides you with recommendations for locations and events, that are adored by similar users.
We look forward to welcoming you aboard.
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